Farm Journal
In subtle and blatant ways, farmers are professionally discounted and personally discouraged. I adamantly believe agriculture can be a rewarding, and healthy full time career. By writing about my work and sharing my progress, I hope to show how organic farms and farmers enrich and strengthen the communities they serve. ~April
Joyful Farming is:
aligning life, land, and community
believing in power and possibility
restoring health and home
nurturing relationships
honoring abundance and vocation
celebrating creativity and change
“I love your newsletter. The produce is so delicious, but the spirit of the farm lives in how you both communicate with us. So grateful for you all.”
— April Joy Farm CSA Member
A Rainy Invitation
The first fall rains of the year are very special to me. The rains signify the end of summer and the beginning of the slow process of putting the farm to bed for the winter.
Adventures with Soggy
Well, I'm fairly certain that Soggy, like many of us, is quite happy to count Brad among her friends. Not very many days after he found Soggy nesting on her clutch of 21 eggs near the canyon edge, we weathered a whopper of a multi-day rainstorm.
Soggy Abundance
Last year one Friday evening about an hour before I was due to attend a community event, Brad came rushing up from the barn. He had in his hands a soaking wet, shivering chick.
Wild Lives, Wildlife
To us and an untold number of non-human friends, our farm is a place of refuge. For sure, this has been a summer of wildlife; we’ve had more critter sightings than I can remember from all past years.

Community Voices
“Your writing is superb, April! Profound, insightful, clear, honest and generous - like you. I always find some wisdom to share with the kids or illumination of my own journey. Thank you.”