Frequently Asked Questions
About April Joy Farm
Where can I buy your food?
We sell our farm products through our Community Supported Agriculture program. We do not sell through farmer’s markets, grocers or other third-party distributors.
Where is your farm located?
April Joy Farm is located 6 miles south of downtown Ridgefield, Washington near the intersection of NW 199th Street and 41st Avenue.
Do you have a U-pick?
Where can I find organic,local eggs, dairy, grains, pasture-raised meats, or fruit?
Joining our CSA plugs you into our extensive network of like-minded regional producers. If you are looking for lentils, grains, beans, peas, chickpeas, pork, beef, dairy, eggs, stone fruit, blueberries or even salmon? We’ve got you covered! Sign up for your CSA and you’re gaining access to an incredible local food system, vetted by your personal farmers.
If a CSA isn’t right for you, we urge you to support the ethical treatment of livestock animals and communities across the country in their fight against confinement livestock operations. Learn about the Socially Responsible Agriculture Project.
You have the power to effect change. Please vote with your dollar. To find out where to purchase humanely raised meat, dairy and eggs, please visit A Greener World, or Eat Wild.
Is your farm open to the public?
Do you give farm tours?
We host a select number of farm tours each year. We are always interested in extending our partnerships and love to provide education and inspiration to our community. If you are eager to see April Joy Farm and have a group that would benefit from interacting directly with a working organic farm, contact us. Please know: the farm is our entire livelihood and we do not have any employees. Donations for tours are greatly appreciated to compensate us for our time.
Can I have a wedding, farm-to-table dinner, or private event at your farm?
April Joy Farm is first and foremost a working farm. We are not set up as an entertainment or agritourism venue. We have, over the years, hosted a limited number of private events and consider each request on a case by case basis. Please contact us and share the specifics of your event including, size of your group, date and number of hours, and any important details.
Do you sell canning tomatoes, wine grapes or other bulk produce for preserving/winemaking/fermenting?
When we have surplus produce, we typically offer it selectively to our CSA members. However, if you are only interested in a larger quantity of one particular item (75 lbs or more), please get in touch and we’ll see if we can help. If you are interested in bulk purchasing certified organic wine or juice grapes, (by the ton), we’d especially love to talk with you. Please contact us.
About Our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Program
How does Community Supported Agriculture work?
Early in the season, you purchase a share of produce, which provides funds for the annual operating expenses (seed, equipment, supplies, labor) of the farm. Starting in late spring, each week you will receive a notification which highlights the produce available for that week. Of the items available, you “Pick 6” and then come to the farm at a regularly scheduled day and time to pick up your selection of produce.
What’s in a share and how many people will it feed?
Our full share includes 6 items of your choosing each week, and typically feeds two vegetable loving adults or a family of four who are moderate vegetable eaters.
Our half share includes the same produce and box size, but you pick up your share every other week, instead of each week.
If you have a big family, (or a big appetite for produce), you can sign up for a family share (9 items per week) or a double share (12 items per week).
Our goal is to provide you with a lot of great choices so you can pick up a share that works for you! Take a look at our harvest schedule for a list of the produce we typically grow, as well as approximate harvest dates.
Not Sure What Share Size Is Right For You?
Don’t worry! You are welcome to sign up for a smaller April Joy Farm share size and try it out. If after a few weeks you’re wishing you had more delicious food, you can elect to increase the size of your share at a price prorated for the remaining weeks of the season. Our goal is to do everything we can to help you have a successful, enjoyable CSA experience.
Am I able to choose my vegetables?
Absolutely yes!
Our unique “Pick Six, Custom Choice” program allows you the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of items. Each week, you will receive an email listing all of the available items. Of the approximately 15-25 items listed, you are free to select six. You can usually double or triple up on an item if you wish. For instance: one member may choose three bags of head lettuce, one bunch of carrots and two sacks of potatoes, while the same week another member picks two pumpkins, one bag of lettuce, a bunch of carrots, a bunch of beets and a sack of apples.
What happens if I don’t “Pick 6”?
We custom harvest our CSA shares based on your weekly order. If you do not reply to our weekly order email, we will donate your produce to a local family in need.
I can’t make it to the Farm on pickup day. Do you offer delivery or have in town pick up sites closer to my home/work?
At this time, we are not able to deliver shares. Our produce is only available for pick up at the farm. Our farm is near Salmon Creek, located just several miles NW of the Clark County Fairgrounds. However, we are able to offer flexible pickup schedules. For instance, we have members who live on the eastside of Vancouver. They enjoy the benefits of a full share, but they pick up a double share every other week instead of a single share every week. If you are interested in a share but have concerns regarding the pickup schedule, please call or email us. We are confident we can find a schedule which works for both of us.
How Much Does Your CSA Cost?

Community Voices
“You have no idea how much joy you have given me this year. The CSA, your friendship, the art, science, and spirit you both bring to your work has nourished me, and my daughter, more than you could ever know. ”